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Additional Therapies


alternative therapy

Spa services at Cooper Center include whirlpool that provides the benefits of heat and increased circulation with moving water.

Aromatherapy – The use of volatile plant oils, including essential oils, for psychological and physical well-being.

Tai Chi – The Chinese philosophy is to prevent disease rather than trying to cure it when it occurs. Therefore they believe that ongoing Tai Chi practice is an effective way of keeping disease at bay. Through the practice of Tai Chi, you will begin to feel more focused and calm, and improve strength and balance.   Dr. Cooper is a certified instructor with the International Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan Association.

Naturopathy is about Natural Health

  • The use of exercise, massage, mechanotherapy, herbs, and flower remedies
  • A way of life
  • Promotes balanced living
  • Supports weak systems to prevent disease

Some techniques and exercise include myofascial release, joint mobilization, McKenzie techniques, craniosacral techniques, Feldenkrais, Alexander and Pilates exercises, Dr. Barral’s visceral manipulation.

As a Doctor of Naturopathy and Certified Natural Health Professional, Dr. Cooper can provide assessment and advice related to achieving optimum levels of health for all ages.

The Cooper Center for Physical & Massage Therapies, Inc.

29805 Middlebelt Road, Farmington Hills, MI, 48334-2317 | Hours: MWF 7am-3:30pm, TTh 9am-8pm

Call to schedule your appointment: (248) 851-7050